Volunteer Today!
Help Create an EPIC Day of Service
May 18, 2024

Cemetery Cleanup

Rotarians and invited guests will spend the morning of May 18th cleaning up the historic cemetery. The Platteville Mizpah Cemetery is the oldest public cemetery in Weld County that is still in use.

Primary Contact: Veronica Silbaugh (vsilbaugh@aol.com)

Project Date: 05/18/2024

Project Location: Platteville, Colorado (See Map)

Handicap Accessiblity Unknown

Additional Information: Bring work gloves, water, and sun protection.

Shift/Role Information

Project work shifts and/or roles to be fulfilled by volunteers are listed below, along with the maximum number of volunteers needed for the shift/role and any information specific to the shift/role.

Minimum Volunteer Age restriction:13