Project Angel Heart

Project Angel Heart Friday May 17th. Drivers and assistants to deliver the food in the bags mentioned above. This first day of delivering is Friday, May 17th at 10:30 till approximately 1:00. A driver and one or two assistants (your choice to make up your team) should, for convenience, carpool to the Angel Heart location at 4950 Washington Street, Denver. There your will fill out some paper work and then be given a route for delivering food to homes of the people who need these nutritious and diet specific meals for their better health. Please reach out to Elizabeth for details and paper work.

Primary Contact: Alan Balfour (

Project Date: 05/17/2024

Project Location: Denver, Colorado (See Map)

Handicap Accessiblity Unknown

Additional Information: Check with Elizabeth for details. Project Angel Heart Friday May 17th. Drivers and assistants to deliver the food in the bags mentioned above. This first day of delivering is Friday, May 17th at 10:30 till approximately 1:00. A driver and one or two assistants (your choice to make up your team) should, for convenience, carpool to the Angel Heart location at 4950 Washington Street, Denver. There your will fill out some paper work and then be given a route for delivering food to homes of the people who need these nutritious and diet specific meals for their better health. Please reach out to Elizabeth for details and paper work.

Shift/Role Information

Project work shifts and/or roles to be fulfilled by volunteers are listed below, along with the maximum number of volunteers needed for the shift/role and any information specific to the shift/role.

Minimum Volunteer Age restriction:18