Day of cleanup

Rotarians will meet for fellowship by getting together with other volunteers for breakfast at 9:00 am. We will then proceed to two areas, one is a highway clean up and the other is River Trail cleanup. The highway cleanup is a week prior to the IRON HORSE bicycle race that sees 2,500 bicycles, both pro and amateur, race from Durango to Silverton over two mountain passes. State Highway 550 is closed to traffic for this event and this draws an international and local audience.
The River Trail, is a trail system that traverses the entire distance of Downtown Durango along Animas River.

Primary Contact: Chessa Gill (

Project Date: 05/18/2024

Project Location: La Plata county, Colorado (See Map)

Project is NOT Handicap Accessible

Additional Information: easy peasy 🙂 bring yourself and a pair of gloves. We will provide water and trash bags.

Shift/Role Information

Project work shifts and/or roles to be fulfilled by volunteers are listed below, along with the maximum number of volunteers needed for the shift/role and any information specific to the shift/role.

Minimum Volunteer Age restriction:none