Project Anglel Heart

Project Angel Heart provides medically tailored meals with specific dietary needs to neighbors living with severe illnesses across Colorado.

“We packaged up the lasagna and a salad and put magazines and roses in the bags, and drew little notes on the bags as well,” he said “And we had a small band of volunteers that delivered them that day. And that's how it started.”

Highlands Ranch Rotary Club is having a three hour bag decorating project to prepare the bags that these meals are delivered in to our Colorado neighbors.

Primary Contact: Alan Balfour (

Project Date: 05/18/2024

Project Location: Lone Tree, Colorado (See Map)

Project is Handicap Accessible
Shift/Role Information

Project work shifts and/or roles to be fulfilled by volunteers are listed below, along with the maximum number of volunteers needed for the shift/role and any information specific to the shift/role.

Minimum Volunteer Age restriction:Bring your kids and grandkids